Sunday, September 1, 2019

Thomas Land!

This week we spent some time on the East Coast.  Our trip started off in the Boston area, where we visited Thomas Land!  It is an adorable little theme park with all sorts of Thomas-themed rides.

Nathan was able to meet, greet, and fist bump Sir. Topham Hatt at Tidmouth Sheds.

He fought a fire by spraying water at a "burning" building while atop of Fire Fighting Flynn!  Nathan took his "job" very seriously!

Nathan has been talking about wanting to go on a roller coaster for a while.  This was his first chance, and he LOVED it!  We went on the Troublesome Trucks roller coaster ride three times!

We enjoyed a variety of tame and not so tame rides.

And we were even able to take a train ride around the whole park, courtesy of none other than Thomas himself!

 Just look at this happy boy!

 We ended the day fishing for minnows.  We had a blast!


  1. Sound and feel like your own amusement park.

  2. Oh no!! That is just so adorable!!
