Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Nicole and Chloe Return!

Nicole and Chloe came back to visit for a long weekend because it is hard to stay away from Nathan's cuteness.  Chloe read him books,

Nicole made him laugh,

and we painted pumpkins,

which turned out really well!  (And seriously how cute is Nathan in this picture?)

Nathan tried apple juice (still hated it) in a sippy cup (which he did well with),

and Chloe fed him carrots (another new vegetable that he likes)

and helped brush Nathan's teeth.

 We also played with sidewalk chalk, turning our backyard into Narnia,

and went to our science museum, where we created a path for little balls to run down

and found the missing link (seriously -- these are fish with legs!)

Nathan took it all in and played with some blocks -- his laugh is so precious!


  1. That's quality time

  2. We had so much fun playing with the cutest nephew ever!!! Wish you lived down the street so we can play anytime!
